Disney Watch Party
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Me and my girlfriend decided a while ago that we were going to watch through all of the Disney animated canon, plus some extras! I figured I would post my thoughts on each film here, to mirror that of the Power Rangers project hosted on here.
This includes all theatrically-released Disney animated films, all theatrically-released Pixar films, and one DisneyToon-produced film.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, (1937) — C+
The aesthetical foundation for the rest of the canon. Not groundbreaking in this era, but worth a single watch alone on the merit of its historical significance. Cute and charming, but drags in the middle due to its lack of structure and story.
Pinocchio (1940) — B
Jiminy Cricket is uncomfortably horny in this and I don't like it. Snow White set the precedent for the canon's interest in princesses, but this movie I think sets the standard for the actual framework for a lot of these movies. A character wishes, goes on a journey, that wish is granted. More engaging of a story, the visuals are also a treat, just a straight upgrade off of Snow White, in my opinion.
Fantasia (1940) — S
The Disney animation studio made two movies and then said, "Hey. We're going to flex now." A feast for the eyes. Iconic. Magnificent. An absolute triumph.
Dumbo (1941) — C-
The charm of this movie is lost on me, unfortunately. The most I can really give it is that I think it's mildly interesting that they made a film with a completely mute protagonist, and that the Pink Elephants on Parade segment is fun and 100% ahead of its time — even the visual design of it feels, at parts, like something of 1960's psychedelic-inspired animation. The... "of its time" aspects of the film, also make it kind of a weird watch, and I found more enjoyment laughing at how insensitive and horrible the other elephants are to Jumbo Jr. than anything actually intended of the movie.